Home Planet: Earth
Race: Half Human/Half Saiya-jin
Fusions: Gotenks, with Trunks via Fusion Dance
Appearances: Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT

Son Goten is the second son of Goku, who was born soon after the Cell Game ended (which means Chi-Chi must've been pregnant with him before Goku died). Goten spent his childhood much like Gohan did (with Chi-Chi pampering him and such) but without a major thing that Gohan did go through childhood with- a father.

Goten was homeschooled, just as Gohan was as a child. Goten resembled his father almost exactly, with the same hair, blissful ignorance, and innocence. Truth be told, he isn't too bright, but then again, neither was Goku.

Goten amazingly went Super Saiya-jin around the age of 4 or 5, but didn't do it often because Chi-Chi told him it was bad. Gohan teaches Goten to fly when he teaches Videl to, but obviously, Goten grasps the art of flying a lot easier than Videl did. Goten's best friend is Trunks, and Goten kind of follows Trunks, giving into Trunks' persuasing techniques if he even proposes an argument at all.

Soon, Goten meets his dad, however, when Goku's granted a day of life in order to join the Tenkachi Boudaki. Goku forces Goten to fight in the tournament so he could see his son's ability. Goten's pretty shy around his dad around this time and most of the time keeps to himself.

The group meets Buu, however, and soon Goten and Trunks learn that they will have to fuse together to defeat (or even stand a chance against) Buu. Goku tries to teach them to do the Fusion Dance, but the two are pretty unwilling to learn due to the fact that they don't respect Goku (the two call him weak because he didn't rescue Vegeta). However, this quickly changes when Goten realizes his dad's power once he goes SSJ3.

Goku teaches them most of it, but has to go back to the afterlife before he can finish the lessons. Right as Goku's about to return to the afterlife, Goten steps forward, nervous and on the verge of crying. Chi-Chi realises what it is Goten wants, however - a hug from his father. Goku picks up Goten, bounces him playfully around, and hugs him, happily, and tells Goten to watch after his mom. By the time Goku actually leaves, Goten is in tears.

Goten and Trunks learn to fuse due to Piccolo's training. However, once, during a period in which they were resting, Goten and Trunks witnessed (from high in a balcony out of Evil Buu's sight), horrified, as Evil Buu turned Chi-Chi into an egg and stomped on her. This enrages Goten, but Trunks holds him back physically while Piccolo holds him back mentally. Piccolo tells the duo to train in the Room of Spirit and TIme while he stalls the monster.

Goten and Trunks train as hard as they possibly can in the Room of Spirit and Time for 6 days (which was really just a minute back on Earth). Goten now has a strong motivation to destroy Buu - to revenge the deaths of his mother and brother (at this time everyone thought Gohan was dead).

Goten and Trunks train and even are able to reach SSJ3 in Gotenks form (to read more about Gotenks and his fight with Evil Buu, etc., check out the Trunks bio or the Fused Characters portion of the site.) However, Goten and Trunks are soon absorbed by Evil Buu and become inactive for the rest of the fight. However, Goten does contribute his energy to Goku's Genki Dama that finishes of Evil Buu once and for all.

10 years pass and Goten has grown into a teenager. He's changed his hairstyle so he doesn't look like his dad (must be some sort of teenage stage...). Goten has also turned into a ladies' well as a slacker. He doesn't train much, and whines because Goku's forcing him to fight in the next Tenkachi Boudakai, which means he will be missing a date. When Goten realises his opponent for the Tenkachi Boudakai will, in fact, be Fat Buu (whose turned good, FYI), he whines even further, and Goku simply replies, "You shouldn't have been so lazy!" Goten's a good character though, despite his teenage whining, and I like him.

In Dragon Ball GT, Goten is more interested in girls than fighting. Like his older brother, he only appears occasionally and has no major part in any important battles.

Written by PJ, with minor additions by Dash.