Written: 25 October 2001
Author: Nikul Anil Bhoola

Early in my life, I was attacked by a group of wild wolves.
The attack came in the winter of my 15th year. I, an accomplished politician, was first inclined to run screaming for my life and get someone else to take care of them. However, instead, I said,
"Sup, wolves."
And the wolves said, Sup.

And we hung. Together. As one.

This reminds me of Dragon Ball Z. Because, in Dragon Ball Z, people...hang.


As one.

I would now like to relate to you a short poem I wrote, entitled, "Vegeta"

O Vegeta,
Whose hair sticks straight up like
Blackened debris of the apocalypse. O,
Prince of all saiyans,
Whose blackened heart hath been purified
By the waters of...purification, I guess.
O Vegeta,
